Category: Blog

  • How to Become the Best Version of Yourself

    How to Become the Best Version of Yourself

    Is there some way you’re not living up to who you wish you were? I just finished writing a book chapter about discovering The You You Have Always Been. It explains the necessity of seeing yourself from “the eyes of heaven” to enable the fullest awareness of that true self within you.  Seeing who I truly am…

  • The Rewards of Risk-Taking for Artists and Makers: 8 Things I Learned When Our Band Released Its First EP

    The Rewards of Risk-Taking for Artists and Makers: 8 Things I Learned When Our Band Released Its First EP

    Many people have an idea, art, or something of importance they want to release to the world—a film script, a community design, a personal creation, and any of an endless list of endeavors.  The problem is that oftentimes the creator is scared to death of how it will be received:  If we’re not able to…

  • Thank you for being a part of my journey!

    Thank you for being a part of my journey!

    I want to express my gratitude for the impact you have had on my life. Your encouragement and affirmation have played an important role in shaping who I am and what I’m doing today, and I wanted to thank you for being a part of my journey. As you may know, playing music has always…

  • Let Go of Your Striving to Receive What’s Guaranteed

    Let Go of Your Striving to Receive What’s Guaranteed

    “Return to me . . . even though you are exiled . . . I will bring you back to the place I have chosen . . .” (an excerpt from Nehemiah 1:9, TLB). Sometimes we get so far out, we lose our way back. Sometimes the thing we’ve been exhausting ourselves to get is more…

  • How Jesus Heals Our Deepest Pains

    How Jesus Heals Our Deepest Pains

    Joseph scooped cow dung off the filthy barn floor to clear space enough for his wife to give birth to the Son of God. According to The Chosen Christmas Special, 2021, the inn keeper said no room was available but empathically offered clean linens to wrap the newborn in. After doing this Mary used the left-0ver…

  • 4 Simple Steps Anyone Can Take to Overcome Negative Emotions

    4 Simple Steps Anyone Can Take to Overcome Negative Emotions

    Lately I’ve become painfully aware of how negative emotions get hopelessly locked into obsessive conversations inside my head—what one of my clients calls “the crazy cycle.”   I’m also aware that the more I try to get rid of those negative feelings, the less I’m able to do so. Fighting against them doesn’t work.  But there…